Welcome to Collection Resurrection! This journal will follow the restoration and exploration of the Gananoque Museum Collection. The project is sponsored by the town of Gananoque and supported by the Arthur Child Heritage Museum of the Thousand Islands.
My name is Tim Compeau and I will be acting in the role of curator, registrar and when I can, conservator. I recently completed the Public History MA program at the University of Western Ontario, and it is my pleasure to begin this task.
This journal is intended for citizens of Gananoque as well as anyone interested or involved in the field of Public History, Museums and preservation of any sort.
Over the next twelve months I will showcase interesting finds and present some of the problems facing small museums. This will include the headaches of funding and grant writing, methodologies and museum procedures, and like all good Public History blogs, I will be reflecting on the process as a whole and present those events or artefacts that confuse, confound or amuse. In addition, I will also endeavour to present the history of the town and area, and even make the odd, humble plea for public support. This is the real, skin-of-your-teeth, front line of Public History, after all.
I’m hoping to update the journal every Friday.
My name is Tim Compeau and I will be acting in the role of curator, registrar and when I can, conservator. I recently completed the Public History MA program at the University of Western Ontario, and it is my pleasure to begin this task.
This journal is intended for citizens of Gananoque as well as anyone interested or involved in the field of Public History, Museums and preservation of any sort.
Over the next twelve months I will showcase interesting finds and present some of the problems facing small museums. This will include the headaches of funding and grant writing, methodologies and museum procedures, and like all good Public History blogs, I will be reflecting on the process as a whole and present those events or artefacts that confuse, confound or amuse. In addition, I will also endeavour to present the history of the town and area, and even make the odd, humble plea for public support. This is the real, skin-of-your-teeth, front line of Public History, after all.
I’m hoping to update the journal every Friday.
The next entry will explain the project in more detail.
Charles Stone McDonald was our 5th Great Uncle. I am interested in the McDonalds of this area so I can finish my family tree. I have a missing link that I just cannot find. I am looking for the Parents of John Moore McDonald.
Are they related to the MacDonald's of Quabbin Hill (near Mallorytown, Ontario)? At the Leeds and Thousand Islands Archives (www.ltiarchives.ca), we have a large binder on this family put together by MacDonald family members.
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